He Must Increase!


The video above may be focused on the physical problem of my obesity. But what you are not aware of from this video (& I for that matter) is the cause of that obesity, nor what is fully meant by “Here we go.”

Trust me, I am simply attempting to peel back the layers of myself to find what lies beneath. I do not believe there is ever one answer to such an issue, but I do know usually what lies at the heart of all of our problems is sin. I am going to take this journey and see if I can’t find Christ and what He desires of me in the midst of this particular situation. I invite you to come along and take this journey with me. The scripture I am letting guide me through this journey is John 3:30, which states, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” The path to getting me where I need to be is lined with the honesty of my physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual well being. I am praying and seeking to find this place of proper balance in my life through the hunger and thirst for His righteousness (Matt. 5:6) knowing that I shall be satisfied.

This is my prayer: Lord, teach me. Show me the err of my ways. Grant me the grace to repent of those wrong mindsets and actions. Allow me the strength and perseverance to pursue Holiness in You. You, Jesus, are the only Way. You, Jesus, are the source of All truth. You, Jesus, are the source of All life. You must increase, but I must decrease. May You receive honor and glory thorough my mind, body, and soul. May I learn to love and honor You with them all as You have commanded (Matt 22:37). I love You, Jesus.

2 thoughts on “He Must Increase!

  1. Praying for you pal! I am with ya!! I need to honor God with my whole heart ❤️ and all of my mind and with all of me! Seeking God in the midst of this is such a good start!!


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